The Make Our Own (MOO) Music Gathering began in 2012 as the official successor to the popular and long-running Stringalong Weekends and Gatherings which were founded and run for 30 years by Ann Schmid. The Stringalongs were originally sponsored by the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Folklore Center and later independently by Ann. When Ann decided to retire, a group of longtime participants decided to form a corporation to continue the Stringalong tradition under a new name and under the guidance of a governing board of directors. Make Our Own Music Gathering, Inc. was incorporated in October of 2012 and the first "MOO Music Gathering" was held March 1-3, 2013 at the Stringalong's comfortable home at Camp Edwards in East Troy, Wisconsin. "MOO" is a 501(c)(3) charitable tax exempt organization.
To educate the public at large, as well as musicians of all skill levels, regarding acoustic music and acoustic musical instruments, thus helping to preserve, support and promote the future of home-made "living room" music in the American folk tradition.
Perhaps the better question is "why not?" The Stringalong Weekends & Gatherings had always been ABOUT and FOR people who enjoy making music for themselves as active participants in the music, rather than the passive listener who thinks of music as something you download or hear on the radio. We wanted the new organization to have a name that says something about WHO we are, WHERE we are geographically, and WHAT we are about- namely having FUN with music. "Make Our Own (MOO) Music" does that with a wink and a nod to Wisconsin's heritage as "The Dairy State".