MOO Music Gathering
November 1-3, 2024
Participant-Led Workshops (Tentative)
We are currently still recruiting presenters for the Participant-Led Workshops for the Fall 2024 Gathering. These workshops and classes are in addition to the classes led by professional staff. PLEASE let us know if you would like to offer one!
Ukulele Conflagration
This is an opportunity for uke players to learn new tunes and improve chord knowledge. Each player brings 10 copies of two tunes that he or she can lead. Copies should include chord diagrams for both tenor/soprano ukes. This student-led workshop is highly enjoyable and culminates in a group appearance at the Open Mic
Session Leader: Michael Nepper
Songs in Spanish
Learn some cool Spanish Language songs that everyone can sing.
Session Leaders: Sue Franke & Connie Herbon
De-Mystifying "Rise Up Singing"
Baffled by the notation in the "Rise Up Singing" and "Rise Again" song books? You are not alone. In this workshop, we will go over how the notation works and sing through some examples. Don't let the mysterious markings stand between you and great music! All instruments are welcome.
Session Leader: Tony Linz